For the purpose of evaluation the performance of a student, the Directorate of Distance Education has decided to conduct
- Continuous evaluation through Internal Assessment with a weightage of 20%. The Internal Assessment for a Theory Course shall consist of activities including assignment(s), class test and seminars to be decided by the Directorate in consultation with the respective Programme Coordinator.
- End Semester Examination (ESE) carries a weightage of 80% . Completion of a programme requires successful completion of both i.e. Internal Assessment (IA) and the End Semester Examination (ESE)
- The marks obtained by each student (IA) will be submitted by the Directorate to the O/o Controller of Examinations (CoE). The marks obtained by each student will be uploaded by the Directorate on its website.
- For a ‘Pass’, it is mandatory for a student to secure minimum 35% marks in the Internal Assessment and End Semester Examination separately. A candidate who fails or remains absent in one or more papers of any semester examination, i.e., odd/even of any course will be eligible to re-appear in the examination. Letter grade system is used for grading Internal Assessment and End Semester examination components. These letter grades are:
- A = Excellent
- B = Very Good
- C = Good
- D = Satisfactory
- E = Unsatisfactory
For successfully qualifying a course, a student will have to obtain at least ‘D” Grade in both i.e. Internal Assessment and End Semester Examinations.
Following is the system of converting the overall letter grades to percentage equivalents.- A = 80% and Above
- B = 60% to 79.9%
- C = 50% to 59.9%
- D = 35% to 49.9%
- E = Below 35%
- There are standard errors of measurements (SEM) in any measurement process, including the psychometric process of student evaluation. To make up for injustice which may cause to examinees failing to secure required minimum marks, “grace” marks are awarded only for the Theory courses and Theory part of the Theory-cum-practical courses. There shall be grace marks awarded to examinees to the extent of 4% of maximum marks for the aggregate (IA + ESE). Such grace marks shall be added to ESE part only if the result of such operation results in the examinee becoming successful in completion of the course. Thus, for theory course of 100 marks (IA+ESE), examinees who secured ESE marks (out of 80) of 28,29,30 and 31 shall be given grace marks of 4,3,2,1 respectively, provided such addition results in the successful completion of the course. The modified marks shall be shown in the ESE part of the mark statement.
- For Practical Courses an End Semester Examination of maximum marks shall be conducted at Main Campus / an examination centre with the facilities of laboratory for conduct of practical activities.
- The examinees, for the Practical courses, shall be evaluated with the following criteria. Actual Performance of the examinee shall carry a weight of 60%, the practical file 20%, and a Viva of 20%. A candidate must secure 35% or more marks to successfully complete the practical courses.
- The Project Work type of courses shall carry marks as defined in the course structure. Of these marks to be allotted, 50% marks are to be assigned by Internal Examiner and 50% by the External Examiner. The evaluation will be based on the performance of the examinee in Viva Voce, Project Report and Presentation based on the Project work. The student needs to secure 35% marks in the Project Examination to successfully complete the course.
General Guidelines regarding the End Semester Examination
- The University will conduct End Semester Examination twice a year, in June and December. The student can take the examination only after the minimum period prescribed for the course of study has elapsed.
- Please ensure that you have already submitted the assignment(s) as applicable for the courses you are filling in the Examination Form.
- Cut-Off dates for filling up examination form and Examination schedule indicating the date and time of examination for each programme will be displayed on the website of Directorate of Distance Education. One can pay prescribed fee online using Credit Card / Debit Card / Net Banking.
Re-evaluation of Answer-script(s):
Students can apply for re-evaluation within one month from the date of declaration i.e. the date on which the results are made available on the University Website on payment of prescribed fee per course through an application form . The better of the two scores will be considered and the revised marks/grades shall be incorporated in the students’ record as applicable and the revised grade card/marks sheet will be sent to the students. Re-evaluation is not permissible for Projects, Lab Courses, Assignments and Seminars etc.
Award of Degree : A learner becomes eligible for award of degree after successful completion of the courses included in the concerned degree programme.